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SDG. 10.6.1 Policy on non-discriminatory

Early detection and prevention of disability by the commission for the preparation of proposals aimed at fundamentally improving the system of state support for persons with disabilities, established by the order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 5006 dated August 1, 2017, providing medical and social assistance to persons with disabilities, the state of affairs in the field of vocational training and employment was comprehensively and deeply studied.
In this process, broad sections of the population, non-governmental non-commercial organizations and other institutions of civil society, as well as representative offices of international and foreign organizations showed high activity and sense of involvement.
The conducted comprehensive study, open and direct communication with the population made it possible to identify a number of systemic deficiencies and problems that require effective measures to be taken.
Through joint efforts, specific proposals were developed to further improve the living standards and quality of persons with disabilities, to provide them with medical and social assistance, to help them realize their rights, freedoms and legal interests, and to form their active position in society .
In order to effectively implement these proposals, as well as in accordance with the tasks defined in the Action Strategy for five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021:
1. Taking into account the results of the open and direct dialogue with the population and the opinions of the interested ministries and agencies:
Development of the draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the rights of persons with disabilities";
Proposals to take practical measures to prepare for the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities should be accepted.
2. The following should be considered the main directions of further improvement of the state support system for persons with disabilities:
to prevent discrimination based on the sign of disability, to ensure equal conditions for the realization of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of persons with disabilities and the inevitability of liability for their violation;
Implementation of universally recognized international norms and standards in the field of ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities into national legislation;
introduction of transparent, modern methods and criteria of medical-labor expertise and disability determination, by expanding the level and quality of medical and social assistance to persons with disabilities, including access to high-tech specialized medical and social assistance using modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation increase;
to create effective mechanisms for timely registration of persons with disabilities, to monitor and support them from the moment the signs of disability appear, including effective monitoring of the social situation of persons with disabilities using modern information and communication technologies, comprehensive assessment of their living conditions , development and implementation of individual development programs, as well as introduction of a single complex system that allows providing the necessary medical and social assistance in a timely manner;
increase the effectiveness of screening examinations for the improvement of the level and quality of medical care, the early detection of diseases and the expansion of preventive measures, including the early detection and prevention of the causes and conditions of the growth of birth defects and hereditary diseases ;
measures to strengthen targeted social protection of persons with disabilities, expand medical and social services and material assistance aimed at improving their housing, household and other living conditions, provide them with medical and social rehabilitation, including quality auxiliary and technical rehabilitation tools increase efficiency;
to strengthen interaction of persons with disabilities with their families, society and the state, to create the necessary conditions for them to be in a comfortable environment, to freely use city passenger transport, social and other infrastructure facilities;
improving the system of inclusive education and employment, which ensures the involvement and active participation of persons with disabilities in the socio-economic life of society;
ensuring the openness and transparency of the activities of competent state bodies in the field of determining disability and providing medical and social assistance, simplifying procedures, developing public-private and social partnership in the field of providing medical and social assistance to persons with disabilities and their social rehabilitation;
strengthening the material and technical base of medical and social institutions, developing a system of medical and social assistance aim

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