NamMQI matbuot kotibi respublika tanlovi g‘olibi bo‘ldi
Toshkentda Innoweek-2022 haftaligi boshlandi
NamMQI talabasining “Yuragimdan o‘ting Vatanga” nomli she'riy to‘plami taqdimoti bo‘lib o‘tdi
Seysmik faol zonalarda qurilishi rejalashtirilayotgan ob'ektlarga ilmiy xulosalar beriladi
NamMQI main doctoral student Muhsinjon Yoldoshev, under the scientific guidance of Rahmatali Rustamov, dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, prepared a pilot copy of the vegetable seeder and conducted field tests within the framework of his dissertation work on the topic "Improving the construction of a vegetable seeder equipped with a roller seeding device and justifying its parameters."
O‘quv qo‘llanmasi chop etildi
Cooperation with foreign HEIs
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