On June 10, 2023, professors and teachers of the department "IT in technical systems" visited Vocational School No.
During the visit, a meeting was organized with the management and pedagogical team of KHM, as well as with the graduating youth. At the roundtable discussion, professors-teachers of the department A.Isomiddinov, N.Mallaboyev, A.Khasanov, A.Olimov, Ch.Akbarov and D.Boqijanov discussed the current educational directions, forms and stages of education at the Namangan Institute of Engineering and Construction. they also gave detailed information about the conditions created in the institute for students.
Also, with the participation of KHM deputy director for educational affairs A. Khaidarov, special student of informatics N. Tolabayevalar, the training course of the "Information machines and computer network operator" professional field -regulatory documents and related science programs were discussed and necessary recommendations were given.
According to the proposal of the management of KHM, it was agreed to organize a master class and seminar training for the pedagogical team of KHM in the future by professors and teachers of the department.