• г. Наманган, улица Ислама Каримова, дом 12
  • +998 (69) 234-14-30
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Policy commitment against forced labour modern slavery



On May 12, 2021, on the initiative of the deputy dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering A. Mamadaliyev, Namangan IIO FMB and the imam-khatib of the "Abu Yusuf" mosque, to prevent delinquency and crime among students, to increase the ideological immunity of students and youth, Human trafficking, fight against extremism and terrorism, and in order to ensure security, a round discussion was organized on the topic "Demand of the age of awareness ".

The event was attended by G. Askarov, advisor to the head of the Namangan IIO FMB, Namangan IIO FMB, the operative officer of combating terrorism and extremism, Captain A. Nuriddinov, and the imam of the "Abu Yusuf" mosque in Namangan, A. Yusupov.


Vice-rector for youth affairs and

spiritual and educational affairs:                                O.Jakbarov

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