Today we met with the members of the admission committee of the Namangan Institute of Engineering and Construction.
At the beginning of the event, the national anthem was played. After that, the word for congratulations was given to the rector of the institute.
The volleyball competition among girls within the framework of the "Five Initiatives Olympiad" hosted by the Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute has come to an end. Its closing ceremony has turned into a regional holiday.
The "Rector's Cup" competition among students of the 1st level of the external department of the Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute in the futsal type of sport has come to an end.
Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are participating in training and practical exercises on the topic "Basics of development of high-tech industry trends" in the auditorium and laboratories of the Belarusian Institute of Vocational Education.
A special "Vacancies" fair was held for graduates of higher education, public education, colleges and lyceums in the 2021-2022 academic year at the "Afsonal Bog" theme park located in Davlatabad district.
НамМҚИ профессор-ўқитувчилари ва талабалари “Янги нафас” югуриш мусобақасида фаол иштирок этди. 26 июнь куни тонгда Наманган шаҳрида “Ёшлар куни” ва “Халқаро олимпия” кунига бағишланган “Янги нафас” югуриш мусобақаси бўлиб ўтди.
ҚозФУнинг Набережние Челнидаги институтини қўшма таълим дастури бўйича битирувчиларга диплом топшириш маросими ҳаяжонли лаҳзаларга бой бўлди.