“O‘zbekiston talabni 1- soni
O‘zbekistonda ilk bora chop etilishni boshlagan
O‘zbekistonda ilk bora chop etilishni boshlagan
Prezident qarori bilan:
The spiritual and educational
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qurolli Kuchlari safida
On the occasion of the "Defender of the Fatherland Day" on January 14, a game "ZAKOVAT" was held in NamECI between male students
The presentation of the book "Yuragimdan o‘ting vatanga" (From the heart to the Motherland) by NamECI student Akhmadjon Mukhtarzhanov was held at the Namangan Presidential School.
Our student sniper won the world championship!
Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur tavalludining
Systematic work to improve
January 16-25 this year
In the assembly hall of the student