NamECI was recognized at the award ceremony of the International Flower Festival
The awarding ceremony of the 62nd International Flower Festival
The awarding ceremony of the 62nd International Flower Festival
Yakuniy davlat attestatsiyasi imtihonlari o'tkazilmoqda
NamMQIda talabalarning ilmiy, innovatsion va start-up loyihalarini ragʻbatlantirishga qaratilgan "TechnoWays" tanlovi boʻlib oʻtdi
1-2-bosqich talaba-yigitlari o'rtasida o'tkazilgan voleybol musobaqasi yakunlandi
Namangan muhandislik-qurilish institutida
The final state certification exams were held in the fields of
Namangan muhandislik-qurilish institutida
The students visited the largest car assembly complex
The members of the final state attestation board
Yakuniy davlat attestatsiyasi imtihonlari o'tkazilmoqda
M. Husainov, associate professor of the
"Our knowledge and thinking - for this country, for this country!"