An open dialogue was held with young people living in student accommodation
An open dialogue was held with young people living in student accommodation
An open dialogue was held with young people living in student accommodation
A sewing machine was presented to the youth attached to the institute
Photo gallery of the NamECI media center
Наманган муҳандислик-қурилиш институтида бўлиб ўтган ўқув семинари якунида иштирокчиларга тегишли сертификатлар ва институт эсдалик совғалари топширилди.
Наманган муҳандислик-қурилиш институтида бўлиб ўтган ўқув семинари давомида вилоятдаги ОТМлар етакчилари ва координаторлари учун "Zakovat Quiz" ўйинлари ҳам ташкил этилди.
A memorandum of cooperation was signed between NamECI and Kyrgyz International University named after K. Sh. Toktomatov
A practical seminar on obtaining international IT certificates was held
seminar was organized on the topic "The place and role of tutors in the systematic implementation of spiritual-educational activities"
October 5 - World Teachers' Day
NamECI media center photo gallery