The next meeting of the Scientific Council of NamECI began with the recognition of achievements
The rector of the institute, Sharifjon Ergashev, congratulated Sayfiddin Kadirov, who defended his PhD degree abroad, and wished him luck in his future academic career.
The institute took part in the 62nd international flower festival held in Namangan with its exhibition. The rector thanked all officials who directly contributed to this, and expressed special gratitude to Abdurahim Kahhorov, the dean of the Faculty of Industrial Informatization, and Sadiqjon Zaripov, the head of the economic department of the institute.
They were presented with a letter of thanks from the regional administration and souvenirs.
The Institute's media center was recognized as one of the exemplary information services in the country and was awarded with a letter of thanks from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations Ibrahim Abdurahmanov. The Rector congratulated Azizbek Abduvaliyev, the head of the information service, on this result and handed over a letter of thanks to the minister.