"Rector's Cup" in mini-football was started at the institute
"Rector's Cup" in mini-football was started at the institute
"Rector's Cup" in mini-football was started at the institute
Are you ready for the national language test?
It is planned to train 1,000 students for the international IELTS certificate free of charge
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining tegishli topshirig‘i bilan 2024-yil uchun doktorantura va mustaqil izlanuvchilikka hujjat qabul qilish muddatlari joriy yil 10-noyabrga qadar, kirish imtihonlarini tashkil etish 30-noyabrga qadar uzaytirildi.
"El-Yurt Umid" Foundation announces the 2nd open scholarship competition of 2023!
Are you going to work or study in Korea?
Namangan muhandislik-qurilish institutining
On September 27, 2023 at 15.00