About the department
Since 1993, the department has been training qualified personnel in the field of "Informatics and information technologies" for the national economy. Currently, the department offers bachelor's degrees in the fields of 606102000 - "Information systems and technologies (by networks and sectors)" and 60711900 - "Information and communication systems of technological process management" and 70610201 - "Computer systems and their software" is training personnel in the specialty.
Faculty and staff of the department:
Jorayev Takhirjon - head of the department, Ph.D.
Tokhtasinov Mumtozali - assistant professor, Ph.D., K.I.X.
Olimov Murodilla - Ph.D., Professor
Nishanov Akhramjon - Ph.D., professor
Khoshimov Sobitkhan - Ph.D., associate professor
Jakbarov Odiljon - Ph.D., associate professor
Ismailov Shahimardon - PhD
Kadyrov Zakhidkhan is a senior teacher
Imamnazarov Erkinjon is a senior teacher
Inamova Guligavhar is a senior teacher
Usmanov Rustamkhan is a teacher
Goyipov Umidjon is a teacher
Komilov Sakhobjon is a teacher
Nuritdinov Nurbek - st. teacher
Gafurjanov Ibrahim - st. teacher
Ormanov Musohon - st. teacher
Gafurjanov Muhammadyusuf - st. teacher
Abdujalilov Sadiqjon - st. teacher
Ismailov Akhrorjan - st. teacher
Isabayev Anvarjon - head of the cabinet
Jorayeva Munojat is a laboratory assistant
Scientific potential of the department (41%)
Professors - 2,
Associate professors - 3 people
Senior teacher - 3 people
St. teachers - 5 people
Technical staff - 2 people
Educational methodical work
With the participation of the teachers of the department, electronic versions of lecture texts intended for use in the distance education system were developed for all subjects taught in the department. Electronic textbooks prepared based on the texts of these lectures can be used from all computers connected to the special internal network of the institute's website.
Jorayev is the son of Tahirjon Mansurali
Reception day: every day (except Sunday): 15.00-17.00.
Phone: 99 320-20-21
Reference: Download
The composition of the department:
Tokhtasinov Mumtozali Tolkinalievich
Senior researcher of the "Informatics and Information Technologies" department, candidate of technical sciences. He has been working in this department since 1999. He graduated from the Namangan Engineering and Pedagogical Institute with a degree in engineer-programming. Author of a number of scientific and methodological works, programs for EHM, head of practical projects. He is a member of a number of scientific and technical councils of the Republic in the field of IT.
Olimov Murodulla
Professor of the "Informatics and Information Technologies" department, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, more than 100 scientific articles, more than 40 educational methodical developments, 3 training manuals (Higher and secondary special schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan recommended by the coordinating council of the Ministry of Education) and is the author of certificates for the authorship of 3 programs. In 2016, the educational manual entitled "Package of practical mathematical programs" was the winner of the Republican contest "Author of the best textbook and educational literature of the year" and was awarded with a 3rd level diploma. He supervised more than 15 master theses. Directly participated in the training of more than 6 science candidates.
Khoshimov Sobithon Khoshimovich
Associate Professor of the "Informatics and Information Technologies" Department. Candidate of Economics. He has been working at the institute since 1991. He graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute. Author of 2 patents, 4 software certificates and more than 100 scientific and methodological works. In 2017, he won the Republican stage of the "Best Teacher" contest. Currently, the head of the laboratory "Modeling of complex systems" of ICT scientific and innovation center under TATU, PhD, prof. Under the supervision of N. Ravshanov, he is conducting scientific research on the doctoral (DSc) dissertation on the topic "Computer modeling of the technological process of cleaning cotton with small dispersion particles and dust".
Jakbarov Odiljon Otamirzaevich
E-mail: jakbarov@
Associate professor of "Informatics and information technologies" department, candidate of technical sciences. He has been working in this department since 2004. Graduated from Namangan Institute of Industry and Technology with a degree in engineer-programming. Author of a number of educational manuals, scientific and methodological instructions.
Imamnazarov Erkin Dekhkanalievich
Senior teacher of the "Informatics and Information Technologies" department: He has been working in this department since 2002. He graduated from the Namangan Institute of Industry and Technology, majoring in engineer-pedagogue. Author of a number of scientific and methodological developments and instructions.
Kodirov Zahidjon Zokirkhanovich
Senior teacher of the "Informatics and Information Technologies" department. This department