Makhkamov Dilshod Ismatillaevich
Reception day: every day (except Sunday): 15.00-17.00.
Phone: 99 362-78-01
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About the department
In accordance with the organizational structure of faculties and departments of the Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute approved on August 24, 2017 and the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute No. 3 dated September 28, 2017, the department was separated from the department "Construction and installation of engineering communications" and airfields" department was established by the order of the rector of the institute No. 265 dated October 3, 2017.
In the academic year 2017-2018, the total staff unit of the department was 7.5 full-time staff, 8 full-time professors and 2 part-time professors worked.
In the academic year 2018-2019, the total staff unit of the department was 9.75 staff, 8 full-time professors and 4 part-time professors worked.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, the total staff unit of the department is 15.5 staff, 10 full-time professors and 6 part-time professors worked.
In the academic year 2021-2022, the total staff unit of the department is 18 staff members, 15 full-time professors and 2 part-time professors are working.
To the department in 2017-2020 Q. Inoyatov, Ph.D. from March 2020. D. Makhkamov is leading.
The main goal of the department is to make a contribution to the development of science, culture, and road construction of the republic by qualified, competitive, highly educated, higher education specialist who can meet the requirements of the time. is to train high-potential specialists who contribute, think independently, and have high spirituality. As a result, the talented group student Mukhtorov Muzaffar became the winner of the Beruniy State Scholarship 2020-2021 - academic year contest, established for bachelors of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the science Olympiad of the students of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the 2019-2020 academic year, Mukhtorov Muzaffar won the second place in the science of information and communication technologies in education, and in the 2020-2021 academic year, Mukhiddinov Sardar took the proud second place in the science of "Road design" in the 2020-2021 academic year. took the first place, Abdurakhimov Valisher took the proud third place and were awarded with I-II and III-level diplomas of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In December 2021, associate professors of the department, Makhkamov Dilshod and Khabibullayev Alimardon, will undergo an internship at the Belarusian National Technical University.
Department of Motorways and Airports:
60730800 - Road engineering,
5340800 - Highways and airfields,
5340600 – Operation of transport facilities,
5341400 - Design and construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, overpasses and airfields (by highways and airfields)
prepares bachelors in full-time and part-time courses in educational fields.
70730804 - Design and construction of highways and
70730806-Trains masters in city streets and roads.
Academic work of the department
Subjects taught at the department of highways and airfields:
Design of roads
Road equipment
Road diagnostics
Construction of roads
Highway architecture
Landscape architecture of highways
Automated design of roads
Highway construction technologies and its organization
Road estimate-project documents
Quality control of roads
Operation of roads
Improvement and equipment of roads
State policy on highways
Road repair and maintenance technologies
Fundamentals of traffic organization on highways
Design, construction and operation of airfields
History of development of roads and communication routes
Fundamentals of scientific research
Geoinformation systems on highways
Engineering geodesy
Architecture of road structures
Management of road assets
Road construction machines and equipment
Road construction materials
Production enterprises and bases of the road industry
Road pavement production technologies
Organization, management and control of road construction works
Three-dimensional (3D) modeling of road structures
Design, construction, operation of bridges
Metrology, standardization and quality control in construction
Engineering geodesy
Engineering hydrology and hydrometry
Design, construction, operation of transport tunnels
City roads and streets
City road engineering
Scientific works of the department
2 textbooks, 15 monographs by professors-teachers of the department,